Tuesday 28 April 2015


Kuala Lumpur is a great place for a visit, full of colour and vitality, it provides a vibrant backdrop for every possible activity - it even makes an AGM seem worthwhile!

KL puts on a spectacular welcome for A&E delegates
So, at A&E we are lucky that our group HQ is only an hour from the centre of KL and that those of us (i.e. me) who live in less tropical environs may sometimes get the chance for a warm up - even if it does mean quite a bit of talking shop. 

Earlier this month, managers from the UK, Australia and Malaysia were in KL to learn about two exciting new application developments and to discuss a range of future projects that are being planned, including product research and development.

We are a small team with a wide range of backgrounds and, as we work in very different environments, we get presented with an equally wide range of challenges. Meeting face-to-face really accelerates the problem-solving process, especially in KL where the facilities allow us to immediately test our ideas in practice or see first hand how suggestions are turned into practical solutions (see next blog).


We were all surprised, on our arrival, to see that a totem pole had been erected outside the office entrance, apparently dressed in the yellow jersey and blue shorts of the Brazilian soccer team. It turned out that it was a test bed for a new riser-clamp protection system that had been temporarily moved outside for us to view more closely ... but it certainly added an artistic touch to the entrance while it was there.


Naturally, once we were all gathered together in the conference room, there was considerably more discussion about the riser clamp. The test bed demonstrates a completely integrated system, based around the anti-corrosion properties of Enviropeel but incorporating a partial or complete wrap sealing system, that has been extensively tested both for topside and splash-zone application. Developed specifically in response to a request from Maersk, the system can even be supplied with an anti-fouling coating, making it the most complete tailor-made system that A&E has ever offered. 

Testing and system details are available on request from tech@ae-sys.com.

Other new developments were discussed, one of which is set to revolutionise the Group's ability to offer underwater protection in areas where marine growth is a problem. Not quite ready for general release at the time of writing, information on this new system should be available in the next few weeks.


Talking, as we have been, of the tropics and underwater, I am glad to report that the Alocit and Enviropeel experimental fish team are thriving in the office gallery tank. You may remember the video from November 2013, you will be happy to know that all participants are still working on their escape plan.

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